Independent Contractors
Independent Contractors (ICONs) differ from subcontracts in that they do not have independent budgetary authority. ICONs are hired to do a specific task at a specific rate. They require an original ICON form completed prior to payment. Payments may be issued only after deliverables have been received.
The ICON form is complicated - please take the time to complete it correctly and feel free to ask questions. If done incorrectly, payment to the ICON can be delayed.
What if I want to engage the services of an ICON who is not a U.S. citizen?
ICONs who are not U.S. citizens must complete a GLACIER with FSO and provide proof of identity. In addition, various visa status' may affect the ability of an individual to serve as an ICON.
Can we pay for expenses incurred by ICONs (e.g., travel, meals, materials, etc.)?
Yes, if this was specified in the original budget. Meals can only be reimbursed if on travel status with a business purpose related to the grant. Review with the portfolio coordinator project-specific restrictions prior to making a commitment to the individual.